How to Configure Security For New Company AX 2009

1-Select Company Account you need to Configure Security To it

2-Administration(Module)-->Set up-->Domains-->Create New Domain for the new company account--> from this screen Company Account (tab)-->Select New Company Account From Right Side and add it to left side-->Save

3-Administration(Module)-->Set up-->User Groups-->Create New User Groups as like in excel sheet(User Groups)Note: you need to reblace the prefix with the new prefix

4-Import Permissions for every (New) User Group

5-Select One User Group(XXXx_I) only but (xxx_N) will be configured up on thr request-->Permissions button-->Select Domain From Domains-->Import button-->Select File From (Permissions Files) folder
Mapping::..... you must select this file for every domain you select as bellow
Admin                                 -->DomainAdminPermissions.asg
HSK                                   -->DomainHSKPermissions.asg
SAJ Or (Other District Store)         -->DomainOtherStorePermission.asg
SDX                                   -->DomainSDXPermission.asg
The Same Company Account you configure-->DomainSameCompanyPermission.asg

6-Administration(Module)-->Set up-->Security-->Record level Security-->New-->From the wizard Select Only Group have xxx_M(S)_I only but groups have xxxx_N(will be configured up on there request) make this operation for every group separately-->Next button-->show all tables radio button-->Expand account payable node and choose(good requisition) make check on it-->Expand account receivable node and choose(order issue) make check on it-->Expand Inventory management and choose (Item groups&&Items) and make check on them-->make this step again to other group

7-Select the new record level security that was created in the last step-->Query button-->

Item Groups for xxx_M_I    -->(M,f,n,c) Put it in criteria field.
Items For xxx_M_I         --> choose Item groups in Field(Field) and put criteria (M,f,n,c)
Good Requisition For every-->Choose Site in Field(Field) and criteria is The site fore The group if the group contain (M) this refers to Medicine Site.
Order issue For Every-->Choose Site in Field(Field) and criteria is The site fore The group if the group contain (M) this refers to Medicine Site.
8-Add Users To groups Find the users in the attached File in Users Folder for the company

9-Addministration-->Common Forms-->Users-->Select User-->Groups (tab)-->Select the group of the user that was created before


Samshith kunnath said…
Greate work.
I want to set new permission and create new permission file. How to create this asg file.
Samshith kunnath said…
Why its necessary to set permission in SDX, ADMIN, Other Company when creating a group ?
Samshith kunnath said…
I set permissions and export to a xxx.asg file. is it correct ?

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